Membership Privileges
- 2 X Membership Key Ring Badges
- Free Entry to all Southland Racing Club meetings, including Christmas at the Races
- Exclusive access to the members lounge, top of the park.
- Two complimentary drinks at each SRC race meeting per badge
- Complimentary race book at each SRC race meeting per badge
- Complimentary nibbles at each race meeting
- Voting Rights at Southland Racing Club AGM's and Special Meetings
A nomination must be proposed and seconded at a SRC monthly committee meeting. Upon approval, an invoice for payment of subscription will be sent to you, upon payment your member tags will be issued. Membership is renewed yearly and cancellation of membership must be received in writing.
Click here to download the paper version of our membership application form.
Please fill out the form and post to:
Southland Racing Club
PO Box 893
Invercargill 9840